8th International Blue Black Sea Congress:
Conflict Resolution, Sustainability and Development
May 8-9, 2025 – Istanbul - TÜRKİYE
The International Blue Black Sea Congress has regularly brought together researchers and decision-makers since 2008 to discuss the political, social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges, solutions and cooperation opportunities of the Black Sea coastal countries and regional hinterland.
International Blue Black Sea Congress is indexed in SOBIAD.
The 8th Congress will be hosted by Marmara University in Istanbul this year.
The papers are expected to emphasize the following topics:
- Political history of the Black Sea coastal countries and regional hinterland
- Economic integration among the regional countries and with the EU
- Conflict resolution, diplomacy, and the establishment of peace and security among regional countries
- NATO enlargement and China's Belt and Road Initiative
- Political economy and international politics in regional and global context
- Regional cooperation, logistics networks and trade corridors
- Sustainable growth and development in the Black Sea and its hinterland
- Supply and demand security, investments and pipelines in conventional and renewable energy
- Protection of natural resources and the environment, sea pollution, and international environmental law
- Improving cooperation on challenges in agriculture, livestock farming and fisheries
- Increasing migration, unemployment and political instability caused by regional and global developments
- Human rights and international law in the Black Sea region
- Cultural interactions among regional countries
- Other regional and global problems and areas of cooperation…
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 2, 2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline: April 27, 2025
The languages of the congress are Turkish and English.
Turkish papers will be limited to a maximum of 45% of the program
Each paper must have a Turkish title, abstract and at least 5 keywords and an English title, abstract and at least 5 keywords. Abstracts should be 150-250 words. Abstracts submitted without a Turkish version will be translated by the editorial committee.
The congress will be held both in-person and online.
Abstracts and full papers will be accepted upon peer review. The presented full papers will be published in the congress proceedings book.
Please click here to submit abstract.
This page updated by 8. Uluslararası Mavi Karadeniz Kongresi on 09.03.2025 15:10:49